What is Heart of Jasper?

Last Updated 3/6/2023

We often hear the question "how is Heart of Jasper different from the Merchants or ROJAC or the Chamber?" or "what does Heart of Jasper do?". These are great questions because it can be hard to know the ins and outs of each group! There is cross over amongst these groups which strengthens our partnerships and also allows for shared resources. Each group has their own mission and focus but we all support each other and can work together to accomplish more projects. 

Heart of Jasper is a non-profit organization focused on downtown revitalization. We work closely together with several local entities including the City of Jasper, Jasper Chamber of Commerce, Dubois County Tourism, ROJAC and the Greater Downtown Jasper Merchants Association. We want to instill a sense of energy in the downtown. We want to fill the vacant stores fronts with dining, entertainment, and shopping experiences. The New Business Incentive is a tool that we created to help recruit businesses downtown by either starting a new business or relocating to the downtown. We want to preserve the history of the buildings and we encourage building owners to do so with the help of the Façade Grant. We want the downtown to be a destination for all ages. Our vision is to be the best small-town experience for all. 

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